How I work...
Here's why the people that I work with tend to get deeper and longer lasting results than people who work with others. I work differently!
Where Counselling and Psychotherapy are concerned, as my past clients will tell you, I work very differently to others. As a degree qualified Psychotherapist who specialises in relationships, anxiety and depression, and as someone who has been helping people for more than two decades, I definitely don’t believe in a one-method-fits-all approach.
Experience has shown me that even though one particular model, tool, or strategy has worked for one person or one couple, that doesn’t mean it will work for you, even if you’re in a similar situation or facing similar challenges.
This is my first sessions are an hour and a quarter in duration. I need that time to understand your situation and to develop a plan that is tailored specifically to you and to your circumstances.
The people I work with, whether they're dealing with a family, parenting, or relationship issue... or with a personal challenge that has been holding them back... get powerful and fast results because I use an integrated approach that draws from a wide range of proven models and techniques... that work!
And I'm not one of those 'professionals' who will just listen and nod for the first few sessions, and call this 'the intake process'. Definitely not! If you want to get past the core issue... and you don't want to spend the next several months just focusing on minimising the 'symptoms', you're in the right place! As my past clients will attest to, my approach can help you resolve the issue and turn things around in your situation... fast!
I promise you that you will walk away from the very first session with a clearer understanding of your situation: why you're where you are, and how to get past it. You will also walk away from that first session armed with powerful tools and strategies that you'll be able to start to use straight away, to help you turn things around quickly.
This is why I offer my First Session Money Back Guarantee. I know, without any doubt at all, that no matter what you're facing, and no matter what you've already tried to do to fix things, I'm going to show you something different and much more helpful than anything you've been told before.
And yes, I know that's a bold claim... but this has been the experience of every single person, couple, child, and family that I've worked with over the last few decades. So put me to the test with my First Session Money Back Guarantee.
I see things differently than most Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and others do. The reality is that most talk therapy isn't very helpful because others are stuck using academic, medically-focused, and overly prescribed textbook things that just don't work. In fact, if you've read any of the other pages on this website, you'll probably have heard me say that those commonly suggested 'psychobabble strategies' not only don't work, but are more likely to make things worse for you, rather than better in the long run.
I work differently! I draw from a set of powerful tools that I’ve compiled from Therapeutic models that work as well using a powerful approach that I've developed over the last twenty years. These are all designed to get you the best results… as fast as possible!
No matter what’s been preventing you from having an amazing life until now, whether it’s issues around anxiety, confidence, anger, trust, self-esteem, habits, phobias, or your personal relationships... or if it's about your relationship challenges, such as communication, anger, or trust issues, which have been depleted because of frustration and resentment, I can show you how to take back your power and completely change the way you feel every day!
So if you're ready to get past the issues from the past and truly create the future life that you've been dreaming about. click the button below and book in today. You won't regret it! And it doesn't matter where you're located. I work online using Zoom and Skype.
Some counsellors specialise in one particular theory or model and apply it to all of the people they work with. But a few decades of hands-on experience have shown me that... while one model or approach might work for one client, it won't necessarily work for others.
I therefore draw from a several modalities to put together an approach that will work specifically for you and your situation. This way we can move through your concerns, and get past the challenges, as swiftly as possible... to help you create a satisfying and enjoyable life.
What area would help you the most?
Anxiety & Stress
Do you find yourself struggling with anxiety... maybe feeling overwhelmed or highly stressed?
Are you aware of feeling nervous or shy when talking to people and wish you could change that?
Anger Issues
Do you get angry and frustrated and suddenly snap at things—and wish you could control that?
Do you struggle to deal with the relationships in your life... either past or present, and you'd like help with that?
Do you feel sad, or down or down and feel like staying in bed... or just giving up on the world? Let me help you change that!
Are you struggling to accept yourself, or struggling to gain acceptance from others about your sexuality and/or lifestyle?
Trauma & PTS
Have you experienced a significant event that you just can't shake... and disturbs your dreams or your daily life?
Positive Focus
Would you like to be able to become more positive and manifest a better life experience for yourself and your loved ones?
Book in without worry
... it's RISK-FREE
Your success is my passion! Book in risk free with my First session Guarantee. If, by mid-way through the first session, you don't believe you've developed a better understanding about your situation or your relationship, I'll provide you with a full 100% refund!